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Disease symptoms - solving the symptom puzzle

What causes disease?  - Diagnosis or Label?  - Lab Tests -
Environmental disease  

Experiencing symptom of an illness is always disturbing. What it could be? Maybe that symptom reference book you've happened to have at hand holds the answer? Or should you try an online symptom diagnosis tool? Should you wait a little for it to go away? Or should you cut short the guessing game and go straight to your doctor?

Whatever you do, finding the answer may be far from easy. Even if it is as simple to diagnose as common flu,

why is it that it was you that had it contracted,
and not the person next to you?

Of course, most likely it was due to your immune system being weaker. But what caused the weakness? That may be - and often time is - result of a significant underlying health condition. Despite that, no doctor will "bother" with it; with some rest, maybe added pain-killer and anti-viral medication, you'll be back to "old you" in no time.

Aside that the "old you" was a part of the problem, what do we do with diseases than don't go away? Official medicine only cures infectious diseases, if the agent is known, and the killer-drug available. Vast majority of degenerative diseases, which make roughly 90% of all diseases, are not cured, rather treated, not seldom for lifetime.

But you don't want lifetime of drugs,

you want to be healthy again!

And that takes finding and addressing the cause. So the question is: how to link symptoms of a disease to their actual cause? What is causing diseases? If your diagnosis is, say, arthritis, what could be causing it?

Let's see. It could be caused by mineral deficiency, or imbalance (high or low phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, chloride, copper, molybdenum, vanadium, high iron or selenium, low sulfur or sodium); or it can be vitamin deficiency, or imbalance (low or high B5, low K or high A)18; or either high or low stomach acid; or it may be glycoalkaloids (nightshade) toxicity. Or it could be formaldehyde, fluoride, cadmium, or some other - or others - accumulated environmental toxin.

Or it can be a combination of any of them. Or it could be still something else.

Even seemingly as simple ailment as acne has many possible causes: low mineral/vitamin levels (manganese, chlorine, magnesium, vitamin A, B2, B6, C, E), high or low iron, zinc, or B5, or maybe high lecithin, choline, biotin, B1, B15, bromine, iodine, tin or nickel. It can also result from high sugar intake, or high fat intake, as well as high intake of supplements like acidophilus, N-acetyl cysteine, or colostrums18. It can also be caused by food or chemical sensitivity, which may and may not be directly related to mineral and vitamin imbalances.

These two examples illustrate well enough how futile it can be to treat ailments and diseases without knowing their actual cause. And the only way to establish such cause - and solve the symptom puzzle - is

by using proper medical tests,

beginning with those appropriate for the most likely cause.

First indications of the possible cause of a disease come from relating the symptoms to your medical history, lifestyle and dietary habits. However, they don't amount to more than a guess, until you know at least your nutrient status (minerals, vitamins, amino and fatty acids). If significant imbalances are present, the priority is to have them corrected. If that results in symptom withdrawal, so much the better. If not, the next most likely cause should be tested for.

The bottom line is: no one can heal without correcting serious nutritional imbalances first. Same goes for any serious chronic disturbance in digestion; not only that it takes from your nutritional intake, it also puts large burden on your detox and immune systems.

After you rule out nutritional deficiency/imbalance and digestive disturbance (Candida, leaky gut, enzymatic insufficiency, low/high acid), you may go on to check out your metabolic efficiency, food and chemical sensitivities, heavy metal and pesticide toxicity - as indicated by the most probable cause.

Don't turn deaf ear to your gut feeling, whatever it is that it's telling you. Very often it points to the right direction. 




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Kenneth · Apr 21, 2020

Sulfur levels have been double in animals total mixed rations this would cause higher sulfur levels in humans too. Immune systems weaken open you up for viruses & also brain cell death. This happened to animals caused shorten life Spain. Somebody needs to start talking about this before it’s too late.
