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Detox nutrientsBody & toxins - Oxidation - Detox system - Nutrients - Protocols Clearly, your detox system requires specific set of nutrients for proper functioning. It is difficult to say, though, where is the line separating key detox nutrients from those that are less important. In fact, there is so many nutrients needed for proper body detoxication, and in such a complex matrix of interrelations, that no one could come up with a definitive "list". And that is not a surprise; just as with the overall health, the body can
maintain proper detox function With that in mind, let's take a closer look at some of the nutrients directly involved in body's detoxication process. Most detox nutrients are not separate entities that randomly neutralize toxins within the body; rather, they are used by the body for a complex set of chemical reactions neutralizing toxins, functionally forming body's detox system. These chemical reactions are carried out by: ∙ special detox enzymes synthesized inside the cell, ∙ protective amino acids, and ∙ antioxidant enzymes and nutrients, protecting the cells - as well as detox enzymes - from oxidative damage by both, the original toxins, and from intermediary compounds created during the process of detoxication. On the macro level, the most important detox nutrients are proteins and water. Proteins supply amino acids that are the back bone of body's detox and protective enzymes, and water, which does much more than providing medium for detox reactions, and needed flow efficiency. It is an active agent for degradation of a number of toxins, before they can be either eliminated or further metabolized by the detox system; in addition, it also provides key chemical agents needed for detox reactions - oxygen, hydrogen and hydroxyl group. Despite satisfactory dietary protein intake, as a consequence of inefficient digestion, absorption and/or assimilation, it is possible for the body to be amino-acid under-nourished at the cellular level. Such amino acid deficiency would negatively affect all vital body functions, including your detox system. If you have a reason to suspect amino acid deficiency, taking appropriate lab test (such as urine and plasma amino acid tests) is the first step in finding out if that is the case and, if it is, pinpoint the cause and have it corrected. In addition to amino acids, detox enzymes often require a mineral or vitamin co-factor in order to be effective (absence of the co-factor doesn't necessarily inactivates the enzyme entirely, but will certainly make it less efficient). Among the main mineral co-factors in Phase I detoxication are copper, zinc, magnesium and molybdenum. Vitamins B1, B2 and B3, as well as vitamin C are also involved in enzymatic processes at this level. The main Phase II detox pathway is glutathione conjugation. Glutathione is tripeptide synthesized by the body from three amino acids: glutamic acid, cysteine and glycine. Glutathione is widely present in fresh foods, but is mainly destroyed by cooking and processing (including pasteurization). At present, it is not quite clear how effectively dietary glutathione raises cellular glutathione levels; indications are that oral supplementation doesn't have much of an effect. However, vitamin C does elevate glutathione levels by recycling it. To ensure efficient amino acid conjugation - another Phase II detox pathway - make sure your amino acid levels (especially glycine, taurine, glutamine and cysteine) are adequate. For methylation (adding methyl groups to toxins and their metabolites, so that they can be eliminated), most important nutrients are methionine, vitamins B6, B9 and B12; for sulfation (adding to toxins sulfur compounds, for the purpose of elimination), sulfur, for acethylation, C and B-vitamins; for glucuronidation and for sulfoxidation (metabolizing foreign sulfur containing molecules) it is important, among other nutrients, to have adequate level of zinc and molybdenum18. Following table lists some of the main detox nutrients and functions they are needed for.
This is only a small fraction of the reactions taking place during detoxication, but already shows that a multitude of nutrients are directly involved in it. Many more are indirectly involved, being needed for the absorption, metabolism or assimilation of detox nutrients, or affecting them in some other way. Not seldom, intermediary chemical forms are as toxic - or more so - than the original toxin. Such as the case with alcohol, nicotine, toxins from grilled and barbequed meats, exhaust fumes, pesticides, paint fumes, etc. (for instance, an aldehyde intermediary metabolite of alcohol in drinking beverages is thirty times more toxic than alcohol itself, and accounts for most of its unpleasant - or dangerous - side effects). Thus, for the efficient protection from toxins, you need detox system that functions well at all levels, from the initiation by detox Phase I, to conjugation by Phase II and disposal through elimination channels. Inefficiency in any of its pathways leaves you vulnerable to a toxic damage. Not only that the original toxins may not be neutralized, they also can be modified and remain in a more - or much more - toxic form in the body. Insufficient antioxidant protection alone could make your detox system inefficient, by exposing detox enzymes themselves to oxidative damage. Some foods substances have stimulating effect on Phase I and/or Phase II detoxication enzymes, without creating dangerous intermediaries in the process (unlike alcohol, nicotine, pesticides and other substances that stimulate Phase I, but create very toxic intermediaries). Such as the brassica family (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, kale, turnip, mustard), oranges and tangerines, caraway and dill seed (containing phytochemical limonene). Turmeric's compound curcumin inhibits Phase I and stimulates Phase II detoxication, a formula that has been proven to be very effective in neutralizing toxins that can be transformed in even more toxic forms during Phase I detoxication. Another important nutrient necessary for proper functioning of the cellular membranes, and thus the detox function as well, is phosphatidyl choline (PC). Although the body can synthesize PC, it is often lagging behind in satisfying demand for it, and many people are in effect PC deficient. Best natural source of PC are beans; best supplemental source is lecithin. Plant extract sylimarin, obtained from milk thistle, has shown exceptional liver-protecting capability. It prevents depletion of glutathione, and by that toxic accumulation in the liver that can lead to its permanent damage. And, don't neglect dietary fiber: it is an important line of defense against toxins. It absorbs toxins excreted with the bile into intestine, and takes them out with the feces. If the fiber is not there, toxins are simply reabsorbed. There are many other nutrients supporting your detox system. If your diet is based on processed foods, supplementing at least the DRI level intake for all the essential nutrients - preferably more, especially those like vitamins C and E - is certainly a step in the right direction. However, it can not replace the benefit of a wholesome healthy diet. The only way to make reasonably sure that your detox system is getting what it really needs is to test for your basic nutritional status, and your detoxifying capacity profile. The former will indicate significant nutritional deficiencies and imbalances, while the latter will indicate if some of detox pathways are inefficient. Those are the main starting point in determining what is it that you need to do. It is evident from the above that the optimum functioning of
your detox system requires Some folks can tolerate more of unhealthy deviations than others - liver detox capability, for instance, vary up to several times in healthy individuals, and hundredfold, or more, in those with compromised liver function - but you certainly don't won't to test your limits. YOUR BODY ┆ HEALTH RECIPE ┆ NUTRITION ┆ TOXINS ┆ SYMPTOMS |