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BLOG: February 2008

ACCORD diabetes two study: conclusion

ACCORD study - Diabetes two drugs - Other drugs - Conclusion

These are only the highlights, but it is already a handful. Who would, in their straight mind throw all these drugs with known and suspected adverse health effects at seriously ill people, sometimes in multiples of their standard doses, and expect it would benefit them? In the February issue of his newsletter, Dr. McDougall calls it outrage that medical doctors are not doing more to prevent "conscious killing of patients by the pharmaceutical companies".

But it is being too kind to some doctors; much worse than just passively standing aside,

they are active participants and promoters of the interest of pharmaceutical companies - not those of their patients.

The problem is that, in the real world, doctors' financial and carrier interest is very often with pharmaceutical companies. What makes it harder for doctors to avoid their net is that the whole system is set up to have them conditioned - or, if you will, mis-trained and brainwashed - to act in the interest of pharmaceutical companies, not the interest of their patients. The goal is to medicate, not to find what is it that actually causes disease, and help the actual healing.

At some point, many will find themselves to be an accomplice in a grand-scale betrayal of the very basic principle of medical profession, and the common reaction in such situation is self-protection: there's plenty of room to hide in a huge crowd of medical "professionals" acting as if what they do is the correct way of practicing medicine. End of story.

After these disturbing results of the ACCORD study came out, the official response was that the death toll could not be traced to any particular drug; the intense glycemic control arm is suspended, merged to the standard treatment arm, and the study will be brought to its planned end in 2009. No big deal.

Obviously, there is many a question that could be asked. But the big question is how is it possible that people die as a direct consequence of very obviously inappropriate action of trained medical professionals - for whatever reason or motive it occurred - and

no one is held responsible in any way?

One thing is certain: until someone finally becomes responsible for unnecessary deaths and suffering of medical patients, they will continue to suffer and die in horrifying numbers at the hands of the incompetent and unscrupulous

It is hard to decide whether the "drug alone" medical approach taken to the extreme in the ACCORD study is more ignorant or arrogant, since it is well documented that diabetes two is primarily a product of lifestyle and environment, thus making these the two key factors in any serious attempt to address diabetes in general, and its link with cardiovascular disease in particular.

Not a single disease is a result of drug deficiency. There may be rare situations and cases where drugs can't be avoided as a dominant form of treatment, but diabetes 2 sufferers at high risk of adverse cardiovascular events are too broad category to fit in for such an excuse. There are known alternative therapies that are as effective, or more so, than drug treatments, and at the same time safer and less expensive.

Another big question is why the National Blood, Heart and Lung Institute hasn't opted to fund a study that would evaluate effectiveness of some of the following therapies.

Diabetes II: Diet and lifestyle, specific supplements...

The evidence is overwhelming that diet and lifestyle are the key factors in developing diabetes two. Needless to say, they should also be the key factors in any treatment aspiring to achieve long-term benefits. More so knowing that typical diabetes patient is

starving for vital nutrients.

If not addressed, this can only worsen his or her prospects. A relatively few studies funded to research therapeutic effect of a diet and lifestyle on diabetes II have confirmed their efficacy and superiority to drugs. In addition, there are specific foods and supplements with documented significant beneficial effect as well.

Here are the main highlights of lifestyle and nutritional factors that safely and effectively help fight diabetes and the associated risks: 

plant based diet high in fiber and complex carbohydrates (onion and garlic in particular have demonstrated significant blood-sugar-lowering action7)

minerals chromium, magnesium, potassium, manganese and zinc,

vitamins C, Niacinamide, Biotin, E, B6, B12, and D (which improves insulin sensitivity by 20%-60%, compared to only 13% improvement with metformin12)

essential fatty acids and bioflavonoids

regular exercise

One aspect that can't be neglected is the role of environmental factors and toxins in developing symptoms of diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol imbalance. As with almost any other disease, they can be significant factor with some people, preventing positive outcome of any therapy that ignores them.

Nutrient rich diet has many health protective effects, including lowering high blood pressure and cholesterol. There are also specific alternative treatments for both, high cholesterol and hypertension that are safe and effective. Most of it has been known for decades. Their only drawback - and the only reason they are being brushed aside and neglected - is that these alternative, natural treatments for diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol imbalance are not nearly as much profitable as pharmaceutical drugs.

As a result, an untold number of people is suffering and dying, unnecessarily and unjustifiably. This decades old wound will only be healed as we become more educated and better informed as consumers in medicine, and as it matures as a science, braking away from the grip of profit-hungry pharmaceutical industry.