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BLOG: May 2007

Sudden cardiac death

Can the death toll from sudden heart attack be reduced? According to a recent study, it strikes a young athlete in the U.S. once in every three days, on average, and that is underestimate. In all age groups, it affects

over 400,000 people each year.

And unless an AED (automatic external defibrillator) is at hand within 10-15 minutes, the chances to live through it are very low - about 1 in 20 (Time).

The article calls the disease "mysterious", and it seems to be pretty much the view of the official medicine. Consequently, the AED is declared to be the only hope in the fight against it. But

there ARE heart risk factors that can be directly related to this scary, life-threatening event.

Controlling or eliminating these factors can prevent it from happening in the first place.

One such factor is magnesium deficiency. It is rather prevalent in the US, and most often undetected, as it often doesn't show in standard serum (plasma) blood tests, or even in the RBC (red blood cell) test. Sufficient magnesium is necessary for proper muscle relaxation; without it, heart can collapse into a spasm, without being able to recover.

Magnesium is rapidly lost through sweating, which puts those already deficient in this mineral at a great risk of cardiac arrest - more so if combined with plummeting potassium level. This, of course, holds for any significant loss of body fluid, such as that caused by diuretics - commonly prescribed for hypertension.

Diabetes triples the chances of sudden cardiac arrest. And elevated CRP (C-reactive protein) nearly triples the chances of developing diabetes. What causes elevated CRP? It is part of body's anti-inflammatory response, indicating silent internal inflammation, caused either by microorganisms (H. pylori, Herpes simplex, Chlamydia, gum/root canal infection, etc.), or toxic chemicals12.

Finally, elevated asymmetrical dimethyl arginine (ADMA) quadruples your risk of sudden cardiac arrest. This body protein inhibits production of nitric oxide, which is necessary for vasodilating action (blood vessel expansion). See, it is bad enough if your arteries are narrowed by atherosclerotic plaques; it is even worse if they can't expand when the body - or your heart - needs more blood. The rest is often history.

Finally, anything that promotes blood clotting increases the chance of a heart attack (and stroke). It can be anything from fatty meals (saturated fats, for hours after consumption), to long periods of inactivity - especially sitting - and certain prescription drugs.

Most of these risk factors are relatively easy to test for, but some may be hidden, or there may be other factors and mechanisms involved. This only makes it more important to make sure your body magnesium level is adequate.